Nod baby Nod!

Nod baby nod,
So long as they prod.

Prod you with their questioning stare
Stop you from everything before you dare
Oh! you may sit on your pappa's comfy chair
Spread your legs and your momma’s gonna glare.

Relax, It's just a bra strap
Why do you keep falling for the same trap
Even from the best places in the world map
They're screaming, crushed by the patriarchal bull crap

Televisions blare of a new seductive cologne
Then they question the victim why she walked alone
If they can touch you, you’re not so far
Remember, age no bar

They’ll have you on top
They won’t have you on top
I know, It’s an irony
They won’t mind to see you on your knee

Blood, sweat and tears of generation
From the days of your creation
Drowning down lifelessly
Pulled to the bottom mercilessly

When the last bubble of your breath goes a-pop
Someone somewhere is pushed down before they could reach the top

A card, a pat and a cute looking hat with a satin ribbon
Smile, to not offend the generosity, through these conferred upon 

Walk darling walk
Let your walking do the talking

Their heads will turn
Their eyes will burn

So long as you walk in a circle
This could only be cured by a miracle

Break free and run
On a track free of them

It sure will rouse a cloud of dust
That’s when they'll look you apart from an object of lust

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