Moon Story

Sitting alone on the beach he was trying to calm down the wild waves that beat up inside him. Knowing that he will not succeed in his first attempt he was prepared to try the whole night if need be. Allowing the sound of the Ocean's waves collide against the noise of those of his inner self and pacify them, he was making a slow progress. 'Alone' aids him in this effort. But what you desire is not what you always get. Up came a villain. With an angelic glow, quietly the moon sneaked up, throwing feather soft darts of light all over the beach. A few landed on him. He may not have liked it much. In that soft light his emotions were not visible, he was not popular for exhibiting his true emotions anyways.

Pulling out a balloon from his pocket he started blowing it up. When it reached the size that he can't hold with his one hand he tied a knot around its opening and let it go. Up and up went the balloon. Black and dimly lit by the moonlight, we may say it would be hardly visible even for him. But he knew it. He knew exactly where it was at that moment. He didn't even have to look at it to know its current spot and where it would have been at any point in time. Soaring up silently, in just a few minutes it reached where he wanted it to be.

Any romantic couple promising to seize the moon and present it to their darlings at that moment would have been puzzled, surprised, even heartbroken, for, the moon was not to be seen anymore. Growing in size even as it was soaring up the balloon reached the size greater than the moon before it reached its planned altitude. Acting as a black body that absorbs all the light that falls on it and reflects none, it stole the moon away. With his device in place and the moon shut off, he was happy to let the conversation of the monster waves resume undisturbed by any intruder.


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