Gone Girl (book)


You walk with; stand with; stand behind; fly with; stand away from; run around with an author as he tells you a mind blowing story.

For Gone girl, you just lay back, relax, be ready to, laugh, fold your hands tight and stay still, to jump high, to feel sorry, to feel happy, to blame one, to blame yourself for blaming one.

The story starts midway and you see it approaching from both ends (near ends). It's like sitting in a train coach that is lighted on either ends. You just wait on and watch either side as it approaches towards each other. You are at the middle of it, experiencing the heat from either end and warm yourself up.

The unusual way of story telling, letting the characters narrate their versions of the story gives you a feeling of a jury hearing out a couple.

We easily believe everything a character in the story says and Gone girl teaches you not to be such a fool and keep an eye open. No matter how far into the future of a story you see you could not see what the author has not printed yet.

Unlike movies, in a book the back of the page that you're currently reading remains blank until you turn the page and continue to read on.

In Gone girl, you'd suspect that as you close the book and go to sleep only to find that when you wake up somehow someone has changed the following pages cleverly.

Such confidence in defining the character, such tactfulness in manipulating the reader to like, adore, hate, despise, love, curse not different characters but the same character, one feeling per chapter is handled smoothly.

Speaking out a man and woman's mind so loud and clear.

You'd never regret choosing to read 'Gone Girl' I bet. But then on the other hand I've lost few bets too.

Personal favourite and deserves a recommendation.


You watch about 10 (new or old, but fresh) movies every month. You like about 3 of them. As this goes on for a while you end up starting to collect the complete set of movies created by the director who saw the world the way you see it or of an actor whose performance you admired, whom, you couldn't be, but couldn't resist wanting to be. That's how anyone starts following a genre, actor, style of making.

Once in a while you come across a movie that just cleaves softly through your head, passing through the skull and spreading all over your brain. Every background beat stings on different places on your brain making you feel alive. Every bright flash on screen enlightening you. Every moment of darkness puts you at ease and alert at the same time.

Very few movies do this and one the impulses one sends to one person isn't the same that it sends another.

Followed by 'A Clockwork Orange', 'Eyes wide shut' just carried me off to an entirely different society. A world on its own with it's Christmas lighting, oh, the pretty, selective dark theme, slow (real slow) motions, unbroken, long dialogues that start from nowhere, goes everywhere setting up different moods and ends up at an entirely different humour. The beauty of the selection of the right words that brings out the right emotions was like the best beans chosen to bring out the best aroma.

A person under a mask could be capable of anything. He could be harmless; he could be a killer; he could be a lover; he could be delicate; he could be diabolic; he could be an animal; he could be tender-hearted. But... you just wouldn't know.

Interestingly, a thriller with not a drop of blood spill.

The grandiose of the open party displaying the power of people and money; the (very) short sideline story at the small space of the costume rental shop; another short story of two girls living on their own; they are all connected, related, one flowing through another and all are floating on the same silent lake.

The masked ball is one of the most thrilling, quiet, slow, chilling, nearly freezing arrangement. Every beat, every mask, every action, every bending and balancing tells you how serious an affair the ball is. What could the mystery behind this mask, or that one, oh, why are those two masks so different from the rest? You keep talking as he keeps walking.

Followed by the orgy and the humiliation of the lead character in front of the entire secret mob.

The humiliation of unveiling in front of a group of masked men by command and the helplessness, owing to the lack of knowledge of whom you are surrounded by and how powerful they are, transfers through.

Of course, there's too much of exposing and an elaborate orgy.

With not a gun or knife in sight the pressure in the atmosphere slowly starts increasing by the grandness of the mansion and by the mystery behind the masks.

A clear, clever thriller through and through.